
Kamis, 08 Januari 2015

Tips dan Trik Menggunakan Google

Trik Pencarian Google Baru Keren Unik  Meskipun Google menyediakan banyak fitur pencarian, saya yakin tidak banyak dari kita yang menggunakannya pada saat melakukan pencarian informasi. Akhirnya kita kena badai tsunami informasi dari Google yang akhirnya membuat kita bingung sendiri. Kita bahas yuk, teknik pencarian yang efektif itu sebaiknya seperti apa sih.

  Secara umum, jenis pencarian di Google ada dua: Basic Search dan Advanced Search. Basic Search adalah fitur pencarian yang sudah biasa kita gunakan yaitu ketika mengakses langsung

  Sedangkan Advanced Search menyediakan berbagai pilihan fitur pencarian baik untuk operator dasar, file format yang ingin kita cari, bahasa, region, dsb.

  Sebenarnya masih sangat banyak fitur pencarian yang bisa kita gunakan, tapi tidak terdapat di menu pilihan Advanced Search. Dengan kata lain kita harus memasukannya query di form pencarian di Basic Search langsung. Nah permainan query dan operator pencarian ini yang sebenarnya akan kita bahas di artikel ini.

  1. AND: Mencari informasi yang mengandung kedua kata yang dicari. Bisa menggunakan salah satu dari tiga alternatif berikut: ukiran jepara ukiran AND jepara ukiran+jepara
  2. OR: Mencari informasi yang mengandung salah satu dari kedua kata. Bisa menggunakan salah satu dari dua alternatif berikut: tahu OR tempe tahu | tempe
  3. FRASE: Mencari informasi yang mengandung frase yang dicari dengan menggunakan tanda “”. Contoh: “perangkat lunak”
  4. NOT: Hasil pencarian mengandung kata yang di depan, tapi tidak yang dibelakang minus (-). Contoh di bawah akan mencari informasi yang mengandung kata ikan tapi bukan bandeng. ikan -bandeng
  5. SINONIM (~): Mencari kata beserta sinonim-sinonimnya. Contoh di bawah akan membawa hasil pencarian: kendaraan (car) dan sinonim-sinonimnya. ~car
  6. ASTERIK (*): Karakter pengganti kata. Dari contoh di bawah, hasil yang didapat bisa: ayam bakar pedas, ayam goreng pedas, ayam masak pedas, dsb ayam * pedas
  7. TANDA TITIK (.): Karakter pengganti huruf, angka dan karakter tunggal. Dari contoh di bawah, hasil yang didapat bisa: kopi, koki, kodi, dsb ko.i
  8. CASE INSENSITIVE: Pencarian di Google menganggap kapital dan bukan kapital sebagai sesuatu yang sama. Jadi, romi satria wahono, Romi Satria Wahono, atau RoMi SaTrIA waHoNo akan membawa hasil pencarian yang sama
  9. PENGABAIAN KATA: Google mengabaikan keyword berupa karakter tunggal dan kata-kata berikut: a, about, an, and, are, as, at, b, by, from, how, i , in, is, it, of, on, or, that, the, this, to, we, what, when, where, which, with. Apabila kita masih tetap menginginkan pencarian kata tersebut, bisa dengan menggunakan karakter + di depan kata yang dicari (contoh: Star Wars Episode +I), atau bisa juga dengan menganggapnya sebagai frase (contoh: “Star Wars Episode I”)
  10. I’M FEELING LUCKY: Akan membawa kita langsung menuju ke hasil pencarian pertama dari query kita

  1. DEFINE: Mencari definisi dari sebuah terminologi. Dari contoh di bawah, hasil yang didapat adalah berbagai definisi tentang e-learning dari berbagai sumber define:e-learning
  2. CACHE: Menampilkan situs web yang telah diindeks oleh Google meskipun sudah tidak aktif lagi. Contoh di bawah akan menghasilkan pencarian kata php pada situs yang ada di indeks Google. php
  3. LINK: Menampilkan daftar link yang mengarah ke sebuah situs. Contoh di bawah akan menampilkan daftar link yang mengarah ke situs
  4. RELATED: Menampilkan daftar situs yang serupa, mirip atau memiliki hubungan dengan suatu situs
  5. INFO: Menampilkan informasi yang Google ketahui tentang sebuah situs
  6. SITE: Menampilkan pencarian khusus di suatu situs yang ditunjuk java
  7. FILETYPE: Menampilkan hasil pencarian berupa suatu jenis (ekstensi) file tertentu. Jenis file yang bisa dicari adalah: doc, xls, rtf, swf, ps, lwp, wri, ppt, pdf, mdb, txt, dsb. Contoh di bawah akan menampilkan hasil pencarian berupa file PDF yang mengandung keyword software engineering software engineering filetype:pdf
  8. ALLINTITLE: Menampilkan seluruh kata yang dicari dalam TITLE halaman. Contoh di bawah akan menghasilkan halaman yang memiliki title java programming. allintitle ini tidak dapat digabungkan dengan operator (sintaks) lain. Gunakan intitle untuk keperluan itu. allintitle:java programming
  9. INTITLE: Menampilkan satu kata yang dicari dalam TITLE halaman. Contoh di bawah akan menghasilkan halaman yang memiliki title java dan isi halaman yang mengandung kata enterprise intitle:java enterprise
  10. ALLINURL: Menampilkan seluruh kata yang dicari di dalam URL. Contoh di bawah akan menghasilkan daftar URL yang mengandung kata java dan programming. allinurl ini tidak dapat digabungkan dengan operator (sintaks) lain. Gunakan inurl untuk keperluan itu. allinurl:java programming
  11. INURL: Menampilkan satu kata yang dicari di dalam URL. Contoh di bawah akan menghasilkan daftar URL yang mengandung kata java dan isi halaman yang mengandung kata enterprise inurl:java enterprise
Pencarian yang kita lakukan akan semakin efektif apabila kita mencoba menggabungkan beberapa operator baik yang ada di fitur pencarian dasar maupun lanjut. Misalnya, kita ingin mencari file-file PDF yang ada di situs Maka kita gabungkan dua operator menjadi: filetype:pdf
Dewasa ini permainan query pencarian Google banyak digunakan para hacker dan cracker untuk mencari berbagai informasi, file, dan konfigurasi yang memiliki lubang keamanan. Aktifitas ini terkenal dengan sebutan Google Hacking. Kapan-kapan kita bahas tentang yang satu ini, setelah kita mahir bermain-main dengan berbagai operator pencarian Google.


Kamis, 02 Oktober 2014

How to Start a Blog – Step by Step Guide

I know, I know… starting a blog can be confusing. A week ago, when I started my first blog, I knew absolutely nothing about blogs or blogging. I kept searching for information and “how-to” guides on Google, but they all required technical skills and I found them extremely difficult to follow.

Creating blogs is not too hard and it does not require any coding skills (HTML). In fact, the whole process is somewhat automatic. So whether you are 20 or 70 years old, doesn’t really matter – you can still make it.
Shall we start?
The first thing you need to do is pick a blog topic. Is there anything you enjoy or are really passionate about? If there is, then start a blog about it. It makes no sense to start a blog about something you have no interest in, while it’s much easier to write articles and posts about topics that you’re passionate about.
It’s even better when you have been interested in a specific field or an industry for a long time, because you are already an expert. However, if you don’t have any idea which topic or niche you want to write about, think about your hobbies or just start blogging about your daily activities, memorable moments or simply about everything.
P.S. If you already know your blog niche or topic, you can skip this step and move onto Step 2. 
First of all, most of the blogs on the internet are made using the WordPress blogging platform. In fact, WordPress has been downloaded over 72 million times and is used by many popular blogs and websites.
Here’s why I think using WordPress is the best way to start your blog:
§  You can choose from many different layouts and free themes
§  You can easily write blog posts and add pictures/images to your blog
§  You are able to categorize your blog posts and create a custom menu
§  People can comment and share your blog
§  Etc…
Free is not FREE…
Yes, you can create a free blog on a or, but they are not actually free. And let me tell you why…
You are not able to get your OWN domain – Instead, you will get a sub-domain. My blog ( has its own domain, but if I had decided to start a blog on (for example), then it would look like – a bit clumsy, isn’t it?
They are lacking of different themes/layouts and plug-ins – In other words, your blog will look really blank and boring. If you want additional themes or plug-ins to customize your blog, you have to pay… a lot.
You have NO control over your blog – Your blog is hosted on another site, thus you are not the “owner” of this property. If moderators decide that your blog does not fit with their policies (which can happen quite often), they can actually delete your blog without any warnings. In short, all your hard work and time spent on the blog will be vanished within seconds.
You are not able to earn money via blogging – If you make a blog, you CAN earn money with it, lots of people are. However, if you ever decide to earn money with your blog, you are unable to do it on a free blog. They simply don’t allow you to do that. Even if they do, they want their own cut, which is usually 50%.
However, if you are on a budget and don’t plan to blog more than few months then definitely start with a free blog. A self-hosted blog on your own domain ( is by far the better option. It gives you full control over your blog and you’ll look more professional. It’s also a great choice for people who want to blog long-term, share their knowledge, become a blogger and earn some money from it.
Not much. You will need a domain that will cost approximately $10 a year and a hosting (service that connects your blog to the internet) is around $4 – $7 a month (less than a movie ticket). To sum this up, it’ll be around $50 a year. The good thing about self-hosted blog is that you don’t have to be committed. If you feel that blogging is actually not your cup of tea, you can cancel anytime and many services have 90 days money back guaranteed as well.
If you decided to go with a self-hosted blog on your own domain, smart choice. Finding a great domain name can take a while, but it’s worth it. I suggest you pick something brand-able and easy to remember. Let’s say you are planning to start a fashion blog. or is not a great idea. But why?
People simply cannot remember long domains and when they want to return to your blog they are likely to forget your domain name. It’s much better to choose something memorable, such as, or something similar. As an alternative, you can just use your name, for example:

In short, your domain name should be:

Easy to remember
I usually suggest people to get a domain and hosting from the same place, in that way you’ll save some money and time. In the past few years while I have been creating and managing blogs, I have discovered that there are very few reliable hosting companies.
To be more clear, I’ve used several hosting companies in the past. Just to mention some of them: Bluehost, Hostgator, Dreamhost etc. BUT… I wasn’t really satisfied with them. Their customer support wasn’t really professional and it took a lot of time to get in touch. Quite often my blog’s speed (page loading time) was ridiculously slow. The reason was quite simple (they aren’t that bad, actually): THEY WERE OVERSELLING their services. They focused on getting more and more new clients rather than improving their services, support and valuing their current customers.
One of the most reliable ones (also the one that I’m currently using) is Web Hosting Hub. Their service is quite cheap compared with others and they are well-known for their great customer support via email and phone (24/7). Web Hosting Hub is also good for beginners too, as they have a “1-Click-Blog-Installation” feature that is focused on WordPress blogs and websites. You simply click few buttons and your self-hosted blog on your own domain is ready.
Of course, you can use any other hosting company and I have included a tutorial on how to install your blog manually as well. If you decide to go with a different hosting company then make sure they offer unlimited bandwidth and unlimited disk space. That will help you to avoid problems later on.
You have two options to install your blog to your own domain:
§  A) With “One-Click-Installation” using WebHostingHub (You’ll get a domain from there as well).
§  B) Manually.
The One-Click-Installation is better for beginners or those who are trying to set up their first blog. If you are internet/computer savvy then have a look at the manual tutorial. Either way, you’ll get your blog online very quickly.
1) If you found this tutorial helpful, feel free to share it below. It really means a lot to me!

2) If you started a blog, you might want to join to my blogging course. Simply click on the “FREE updates” at the top of my page.